Wednesday 23 October 2013

It's an image age.

Task 1d

Posting my photo's on Flikr brought back some wonderful memories but also a pang of jealousy and remorse that I will no longer have new performance photo's to look back on. However my 15 years in the 'business' has brought me plenty of image recordings that I have on proud display at home and many more tucked away in desks and photo albums.

Due to the ease of picture taking nowadays it's popularity has soared over the last decade. The introduction of camera phones created an instant transformation. Only occasionally would someone carry their phone out and about but today it's at hand for an almost instantaneous picture opportunity. Videos and images are taken of friends, colleagues and randoms on an everyday basis. Whether it be crime prevention or to just thoroughly embarrass an individual we've all seen them. Probably taken a few yourself too!! We as the human race can basically record and file our lives to the utmost detail if that's what we wished. Different people have different levels. Personally I'm unable to see the point of posting your dinner on Twitter or FB. Are we crying out for acknowledgement that much? Has the desperate need for attention got so great we need to share every aspect of our lives with whoever is willing to be a cyber friend?

We are all aware of the negative impact images and AV can have if the ethical boundaries are breached. Responsibility seems to be a common factor when discussing social media. Where though can the use of images and AV in the social media actually do some good?

Here's my link...


  1. Hi Leon

    Well done on getting some photos up! It took me ages to decide what I thought was appropriate to upload, and I've still got none of my work up there! Have you thought about putting them into sets? Maybe a Fiddler one and a Carousel one? Some good shots. I notice you haven't put any professional head shots up though? Me neither... maybe we should?

    I thought your dislike of posting pictures of food was interesting. I've been known to post one or two in my time! I take quite a lot of pictures of food - and send them to my Father (mainly), sometimes via Twitter, sometimes via Whatsapp! He likes food! He wouldn't be interested if I took a picture of myself dancing (or of someone elses child!) and sent it to him - he'd try, but he wouldn't get it! Sometimes I'm genuinely excited by what's been put in front of me and sometimes I can't believe quite how much has been put in front of me (that's usually when eating with my old house mate who I'm sure has not realised I'm a girl!). There's always a reason behind the picture and usually a caption! Just like there's always a reason behind the 50 holiday snaps of the same view that some people upload, or the new hair cut or whatever...

    Regarding your final question:

    Thinking about the personal aspects, providing you are savvy and have thought about all your settings on Facebook I think the use of images in social media is great! For example, you are able to share whatever you wish with people you trust. I have my FB locked down so only 16 people can see my updates, unless I decide to make them more public and no-one can tag me in anything without me okaying it first. That doesn't stop people being able to post things about me, or pictures of me but you were never able to stop people talking anything about you, or showing holiday slides with you in 20 years ago either. For me, Facebook, Twitter and my personal blog allow me to keep in touch with my friends and family back home, and allow me to give them a visual reference of my life. I draw the line at these though. I do not 'snap chat' and I do not anything else!

    From a professional point of view I think it depends on your occupation. If you are trying to establish yourself as a dancer or set up a business I think AV technologies could be really useful and I wouldn't be surprised if they start (if they haven't already?) to become more important than the CV itself. As a dance teacher, without a business to advertise, I am struggling to see the relevance for me. I have a full time salaried job outside of the UK.


  2. Hi Megan

    It didn't take me too long to decide which photos to add to Flikr as they're the only ones I have of me dancing filed on a computer!! The rest, of which there are few I'm afraid are all prints. I thought I had put them in different sets...I'll go back and re-arrange!.....On the head-shot front....I will if you will!!!!...You first!

    I'm not against people posting pics of their dinner if it means something to someone else as in the case with your father. That's completely understandable. I've sent my brother a pic of a Chinese meal he was missing out on before. It's the totally un-necessary postings that get my goat.When people feel the need to tweet or post merely for the sake of it. It's the same as the folks who say hello and goodnight to thier follwers! People are starting to exist in two different worlds.

    It won't be long until along with your CV casting agents will be able to click an icon and watch a showreel of your previous 'best bits'! Will that however take away the requirement of an actual casting?

    How are you finding the journal writing? I cant decide if to make entries daily, when I deem them important or every few days. I like the idea of using a pen and pad, just being able to scribble things down although it's hard to cut and paste ideas!! I guess it's what suits each person in their current surroundings. As it's private it'll be whatever is the most comfortable to each individual. I keep having to remind myself that there's no right or wrong!

    P.s....Look forward to seeing some of your work photos soonish!?!
