Wednesday 9 October 2013

Late to the party!

And here I first ever blog at the tender age of 30 something! I'm lucky it wasn't 40 something considering the colossal amount of time it took me to navigate myself around the cyber-world creating a new blog and what have you. I come from the pen and paper age, when blackboards were actually black and calculators were the latest piece of hardware. However, I have to get my information technology groove on if I'm to succeed and commence a new chapter in my life. So blogging and many other social media thingymebobs will become integral to my life over the next year having signed up for the BAPP Arts programme. I'm disappointed in missing the induction day as from what I've read it appeared useful beyond measure but It's a comfort to know that having read the handbooks I wasn't the only one who broke out in cold sweats and started to panic dramatically! The great thing about thins course is that we can all help each other so here's to embracing cyber-space and sharing my views, knowledge and experiences with you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leon,

    Welcome to the Blog sphere!

    I do understand the apprehension. As a 50 something you may be interested to know my contemporaries and I used slate and chalk in our early educational experiences in the 1960’s … so I understand the challenge!

    But then people are so adaptable aren’t they? And the potential for good inherent in Web2.0 makes it essential we all use it for our own professional productivity. Ok, we need to be aware of its dangers, but when have performers had a better opportunity to promote themselves than now?

    Going forward, tackle the tasks in the module handbook, and make a point of commenting soon to all the other module 1 students. This will help you enormously as the module progresses.

