Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Module learnings

Apart from the obvious and by that I mean what I learnt from my inquiry what other things did the course teach me?
I'm using social media much more for networking and learning about my job than ever before. Not that I enjoy it that much but I appreciate it is a form of information and will only advance in the years to come. I do try and keep human contact as much as possible as I believe social media is killing human connection and social behaviour skills.
My most important learning wasn't really learnt but realised. It was brought from the shadows of my mind and given meaning and relevance. Reflection, evaluation and analysis! As mentioned in my blog 'relating to me' I've used reflection in-action and on-action for many years with-out realising its importance.
As a coach I'm required to reflect, evaluate and analyse.
Reflect upon the session I just delivered. Analyse certain aspects and evaluate for future reference.
This is an example of a session I created and at the bottom you can see the evaluation section split into two. Self-evaluation and the evaluation of the session.
Both parts require consideration. Feedback from other coaches and participants is vital in order to progress in the areas of designing and delivering sessions and personal coaching methods.
The course highlighted the necessity of the three processes and just how much I actually use them.

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