Having researched various codes, frameworks and practises of ethics in a professional community I was pleased to see that many of preconceived thoughts were reflected in my findings. Companies have frameworks which are followed by all echelons of management and employees ensuring safe and just working environments. A high standard of morals is to be adhered to by all. Decision making is a key factor as the outcome may effect not only you but others indirectly. The following link is to a site which gives examples and reasoning behind good decision making...
From what I gather there's a code of practise for both how a company portrays and handles itself and also a code of practise for how the individuals treat each other. This can be applied to the performing arts business on both a performance based and teaching capacity. If performing in a show your management has a duty as do you as a professional to uphold values and morals both towards colleagues and how the company is seen as a collective. The same applies if one is in a teaching environment. Personally I think that in certain areas in the dance profession the codes are very slack and if repeated in a different professional environment the guilty party would be dealt with harshly.
This site lists a few of what ethics it considers important. I've copied the list below for ease....
The more we move forward with technology the more we have to pay attention to the ethics of cyberspace. I hadn't considered this action before but it's relevant as it's all around us today and will only develop in the future. It's not so prevalent in the dance industry, or maybe I'm over looking an aspect?
While researching I came across a site which catered specifically for the ethics in the exercise and fitness industry reflecting on the core values of rights, relationships, responsibilities and standards. In my opinion much of what is mentioned can be directly applied to dance teaching either at schools or colleges.
When considering ethics in the workplace professional standards must be high. Respect yourself and others. Good decision making abilities are necessary and will always be tested. To some it's common sense but as I'm discovering upbringing and background play a huge part but I believe that having intense dance training will probably give you good discipline and a high professional code of practise.